
Did you know that your baby’s first dental visit should occur before celebrating their first birthday? However, most families put this appointment off until their children are up to four years old.

It is essential to realize that a child’s first dental visit needs to be done before their first tooth is visible. When they reach 12 months of age, you should book an appointment with the best pediatric dentist.

If you wait until your baby has a full set of teeth by age 3, it is not too late to still go see your local teeth guru. But you may risk ruining your baby’s dental care if you wait this long.

Here are the best tips to help prepare your child for dentist visits and how you can encourage them to love caring about their teeth.

Scheduling Your Child’s First Dental Visit

You must research the best pediatric dentist in Kentucky to book your child’s first appointment. The best way to do this is by jumping online and reading reviews for practices in your area.

You can also ask around and grab recommendations from friends and family members. After all, nothing beats the power of word-of-mouth advertising. As soon as your baby’s first tooth is out, that is the best time to start ringing dentists near you.

The best pediatric dentist will also examine your baby’s mouth besides their teeth. This will help find out if there are any hygiene problems to avoid infections.

After your child’s first appointment, you should build rapport with your dentist to attend regular checkups after your baby turns 2-years-old. You can effectively detect any early signs of oral cavity and soft palate by staying on top of things.

Remember that there will be days when your child will throw a tantrum and refuse to go because they are afraid. Therefore, it is always better to book appointments that you can cancel or change if issues at home prevent you from attending on time.

Always let your dentist know that you are having trouble getting your child to comply, and they can also provide some more tips on how to prepare the baby for their first visit.

Talk to Your Child

Before jumping on the phone to book an appointment with the best pediatric dentist, you should talk to your child first. Many parents forget to speak to their children about dentists and what they do.

It is important to explain to your baby that they will meet someone new and go through a unique experience. Tell them why it is necessary to care about oral health and brushing.

Children are too young to understand why teeth matter, especially if they barely have any in their mouth. While your children are small, you must take time away to sit down and explain things about their bodies.

Besides teeth, you can also use this opportunity to discuss other body parts to make their other medical appointments go seamlessly. Go over topics like hands, bellies, eyes, heads, and mouths.

Casually mention their tongue and teeth and offer to show them what happens if they do not get the proper care. There are also plenty of songs, apps, and picture books to help educate your little ones about healthy teeth.

It is so important to prepare your child for dentist to ensure that they will not kick and scream, wondering who the random stranger in the room is. Remember that the dentist needs to reach into your child’s mouth. This can be extremely scary and overwhelming if your child is not ready.

Never Force Things

When it is time for your baby’s first dental visit, explain what they will go through. Remind them about the importance of oral health and brushing their teeth daily.

However, you should never push them into anything if they show signs of resistance. Blackmailing or threatening children will increase their fear in the long run. Your baby may also be reluctant to follow the dentist’s instructions.

The first visit will always be awkward, but your child will get used to the process. It will take up to three trips for them to finally open up and let the dentist do their job without kicking and screaming.

You should also schedule regular appointments to help your child build rapport with their dentist. This will help make your baby feel like they are visiting a friend who wants to help them.

Maintain Positive Attitude

Kids can easily pick up on their parents’ attitudes towards various things. If you are frightened of dentists and dread going for a visit, your baby may also behave in the same way.

They will mirror your behavior and moods. Avoid being too anxious while preparing for a trip to your family dentist. Otherwise, your child will also be frightened and nervous.

You must also avoid motivating them by talking about painful procedures you had in the past. Even if you had a rough time treating your cavities, you should not scare your child into thinking their visit will be the same.

Always be positive while explaining that dental checkups are there to ensure that your child grows up with the best smile.

Choose the Best Pediatric Dentist Kentucky

Now that you know how to prepare your child for their first dental visit, you should choose a dentist you will be happy with. If your child does not enjoy a sterile and “grown-up” dental office, you can find pediatricians who have child-friendly clinics.

This means that your baby will not need to come across scary photos of dental conditions while you are in the waiting room.

You should also arrange fun activities like watching movies on an iPad or playing a game while you wait for the doctor to see your baby.

This will make waiting more pleasant to help your child feel less nervous. Contact us today, and we can provide the best dental experience for your child.