
Are you worried about your child’s dental health? Children love to eat candy, making them eat more as they grow older. However, eating too many sugary treats can result in tooth decay. However, visiting the kids dentist can treat these cavities and prevent decay.

As parents, learn the right questions to ask when visiting your pediatric dentist. Knowing what to ask prevents your child from growing with untreated cavities.

These are the seven questions to ask the pediatric dentist on your next visit. Read what we have below and learn more.

1. What are the Best Brushing Techniques for Kids?

On your first kids dentist visit, ask about proper teeth brushing methods for your kid. Adults naturally know how to brush their teeth. However, children need special techniques when doing the same task.

Don’t use toothbrushes with hard bristles. Instead, use a soft toothbrush. While in training, avoid using fluoride-based toothpaste to prevent your child from swallowing it.

When they learn how to brush their teeth without your help, allow them to use fluoride toothpaste. Doing so prevents fluoride poisoning.

If your child is three years old, introduce an electric toothbrush. It helps clean their teeth more efficiently. It’s especially when they have no dexterity to clean their teeth.

2. What’s the Right Toothpaste to Use?

When kids brush their teeth, they’re prone to swallowing the toothpaste. It’s why you must invest in edible toothpaste while they’re young. Let them use it until they learn to spit it out.

Avoid toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate and essential oil ingredients. If the SLS ingredient is present in the product, it can cause your child to develop canker sores. Some products are strong enough to affect you as well.

Essential oils found in toothpaste have good antimicrobial cleaning properties. However, they’re only good for adults. When children use toothpaste with this ingredient, it can prevent oral microbiome production, especially for toddlers.

3. When is the Best Time to Get Braces?

It’s common for growing kids to have jagged, crooked, or unaligned teeth. If you think they need kid’s braces, you have the right idea. However, at what age should they get braces?

When visiting the dentist in Shepherdsville KY, ask the right age for your child to have braces.

Getting braces at an earlier age is helpful for kids with bad teeth formation. It fixes issues like underbites, overbites, and other jaw problems. If your child is eligible for braces, hire an orthodontist for this treatment.

Your children will benefit from a good smile and straight teeth when they get older.

4. Should Your Child Floss?

Flossing is part of your daily oral care routine, but should your child do it as well? The best pediatric dentist for kids will give an affirmative answer. Your child reaps the same benefits from flossing the teeth.

When your child’s teeth start to touch, let them develop a flossing habit. It will help remove plaque and pieces of stuck food in between the teeth.

When they reach the age of seven and above, let them do it independently. Use positive reinforcement so flossing teeth becomes a routine.

5. Why Aren’t the Baby Teeth Falling Yet?

We all grow a set of baby teeth when we were younger. As we age, they fall off to pave the way for permanent teeth. However, you might notice that your child’s teeth have yet to fall. As a concerned parent, it’s one of the questions you must ask when visiting the best dentist for kids.

If this is happening to your 10-year-old, it’s okay to show concern. However, know that when your child has baby teeth, it isn’t abnormal.

Retained primary tooth has healthy roots and supporting alveolar bones. It means your child’s teeth will continue to do their job without problems.

If you want your children to have better teeth aesthetics, they have several options. Dental implants allow them to have a permanent tooth. However, these operations are better if they’re having some dental problems.

6. Is Dental X-Ray Safe?

If the child has teeth problems, dental x-rays help determine the specific issue. However, x-rays come with some negative effects on a person. It might cause you to wonder what it can do to a child.

To assuage your concerns, ask your dentist about the effects of x-rays on children.

The best pediatric dentist will answer that using x-rays allows you to discover specific dental problems. It includes possible tooth decay, infections, and tumors. Using dental x-rays is best for finding problems and helps prevent a bigger problem in the future.

It also enables you to determine the right dental procedures for your children. With your dentist’s help, you’ll preserve your children’s oral health as they get older.

7. Is My Child at Risk of Tooth Decay?

When you don’t teach your kids basic dental care, you leave them at risk of having cavities. When you visit the kid’s dentist, ask whether your child needs cavity treatments. Learning if your child has cavities prevents them from becoming worse.

Ask your dentist about the observable signs of tooth decay. Let them check whether the tooth enamel is weakening and at risk of breaking down.

The earlier you know this, the better since you can get a timely professional solution. Depending on the symptoms, age of the child, and general health, restoration is possible.

Bring Your Child to a Kids Dentistry Soon!

Kids don’t understand why they need to take care of their teeth. Asking the right questions on their behalf is your responsibility as a parent. Use this article to guide your questions and take care of your child’s dental health.

Are you looking for a kids dentist in Shepherdsville, KY? We offer a lot of dental services to help your child’s teeth remain healthy as they grow older. Contact us today and set your appointment now.