
Approximately 4 million people are wearing braces in America at any given time. Pediatric braces are a great way of straightening out teeth and ensuring children have a straight, clear smile as they grow up.

But many parents are worried. They don’t know exactly how child braces work. It’s natural for parents and guardians to have questions about the process and its outcomes. 

If you’re looking to learn all about pediatric braces, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you understand the issue. Read on for everything you need to know!

Braces are More Effective Early On

Child braces are the best way to ensure straight teeth and a healthy mouth. If they’re fitted when a child’s teeth are still growing, they’ll be effective as the child matures. 

If you’re wondering “what age for braces?” it’s best to consult with your orthodontist for details. As a general rule, you’ll want to get braces fitted for your child when their permanent or adult teeth are replacing their baby teeth. This is generally around 10-14 years, although it can be significantly earlier in some rare cases. 

While braces can be used later in life, they won’t have nearly the same impact. They’ll also be more costly and difficult to fit, making the whole process even more hassle. If your orthodontist advises getting braces fitted early, it’s best to take their advice. 

Braces are Cost-Effective

It’s natural for families to put financial concerns front and center of any decisions they make. No wonder so many parents are wondering about the costs of braces. 

Luckily, braces aren’t as costly as many people think. While the cost is normally in the low four-figures, most insurance packages will cover the expenses. You may be eligible for help from Medicaid or other public systems.

Feel free to talk with our helpful staff about the cost of any treatments you’re considering. We’ll be happy to run through the details with you and answer any questions you might have. 

Consider braces for your child as a sound investment. Without braces, further dental treatments could be required. These are often more invasive and costly than simple braces.

Home Maintenance is Easy

There’s a common myth that braces for kids require a lot of maintenance at home. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Your orthodontist will take care of most of the ins and outs, while there are a few simple things you and your child will need to do to keep the braces clean and shining. 

You’ll need to clean things up every day. Depending on the type of braces, this will be done differently. Generally, it involves taking off the outer, elasticated parts of the brace and giving the whole set up a good scrub, while it may also be necessary to avoid certain kinds of foods.

Fitting is Painless

As with any dental procedure, going to get pediatric braces can seem a little scary. The good news is that you can assure your children before the appointment that they aren’t in for a lot of pain.

Having braces fitted applies pressure to the teeth as they’re pulled into place. While this can be a little uncomfortable, it’s not actually painful. 

That said, there is a little discomfort involved. Teeth and gums can feel a little sore for a day or two after the fitting. Soon enough, the pain will subside and your child will hardly notice their braces.

We pride ourselves on providing friendly, caring treatment. If your child suffers from dental anxiety or has any other concerns, we’ll go the extra mile to ensure they feel relaxed.

Regular Adjustments are Required

Once braces are fitted, that isn’t the end of the process. To ensure they’re working properly, they’ll need to be regularly adjusted. This process takes place every month or so.

In some cases, adjustments can be carried out less often. They may only need tightening around once every 10 weeks, but your orthodontist will work out a schedule with you. 

These adjustments are quick and easy, but they can cause soreness to flare up again. Although it can be a pain to make repeated appointments, they’re vital for the braces to work properly. 

There are Lots of Different Options for Pediatric Braces

Braces are used for many different reasons. Aside from the obvious cosmetic effect, braces can be used to keep a mouth healthy or help with speech and language problems. 

With all these different applications, it’s only natural that there are plenty of different types of braces to sort all needs. Metal braces, self-ligating braces and, lingual braces are among the different types available. 

For those self-conscious about their appearance, Invisalign braces are another good option. They’re practically clear, offering your child a great smile even while their braces do their job! Children as young as 11 are able to use Invisalign, providing they’ve lost all their baby teeth. 

Get Quality Pediatric Braces for Your Child

Pediatric braces have so many benefits. And there are very few downsides, meaning they’re an ideal option for children and parents alike. 

If you want to get quality braces for your child, we can help. We have years of experience providing braces for children in Mount Washington and Shepherdsville. 

Contact Smile Kentuckiana today to find out more about how we can help. Whether it’s Shepherdsville or Mt. Washington, we’ll give you the benefit of our years of experience. We’ll also guarantee your child special care to make them feel at ease.